Local Metallic Epoxy Flooring professionals

Proudly providing eperty service in the field of metallic epoxy flooring installation, we are ready to meet any and all needs when it comes to flooring application. Protecting your home, your business, and your investments is crucial. The foundation and literal concrete that our homes and businesses rest on is the starting point for upkeep and maintenance. The simple application, by professionals, of metallic epoxy flooring can ensure the longevity and pristine condition of your floors.
Home to more than just our vehicles, our home garages often serve as workspaces, loading zones, and storage areas. All of these utilities call for a safe and secure flooring and environment. Application of metallic epoxy flooring makes that safety and security reliable and long-term. Outside of the home, if you own or operate a commercial property or industrial complex then providing durable and polished metallic epoxy flooring in key areas can set you apart from the competition. Aesthetics aside, it also provides a safer place of commerce, as the ground is slip resistant and not susceptible to cracks and breaks in the concrete due to the powerful coating.
Where Can You Install Metallic Epoxy Flooring?

While the concrete of our garages, commercial or private, may come to mind first when considering locations for metallic epoxy flooring, there are actually many options.
In protecting our investments, our safety, and our peace of mind we can never be too safe. What better to strengthen and reinforce than the very ground we walk on? This sleek protective coating boasts tons of benefits and perks, and carries with it almost no continued cost or heavy duty maintenance beyond cleaning. Cleaning which, now due to the shiny and protective layer, is easier to carry out than ever before. Spills, stains, and seepage will be a worry of the past.
Below are some of the most popular places for metallic epoxy installation!

Garage Flooring
- Metallic epoxy flooring could not be more ideal for the garage. Garages are often multipurpose, and home to a great variety of tools, devices, and vehicles. Industrial lots may house enormous vehicles and machinery whose wheels and parts could damage the flooring permanently in the garage. By applying metallic epoxy flooring, and by having a trained professional help to do so, you are protecting the flooring of your garage for decades to come. Not only will the garage be safer and clearer, and will not house any cracks, breaks,or inconsistencies. The wear of our cars tires and other natural weathering can take its toll on garage floors, both physically and cosmetically. Applying metallic epoxy flooring leaves it shimmering and brightness the whole area due to its reflective nature. This enhanced brightness renders your garage workspace a safer environment as well!
Kitchen Flooring
- The kitchen is another location ideal for the application of metallic epoxy flooring. Metallic epoxy flooring is very reflective, and leaves a space appearing brighter and more open than ever before. This use of light can also work to make a space seem wider and more welcoming. Aside from the cosmetic and visual appeal of shimmering metallic epoxy floors, they also make our lives easier. Metallic epoxy floors are easier to clean, and the kitchen is often home to a great deal of messes and spills. The protective metallic epoxy keeps a firm layer over the surface of your kitchen flooring. This prevents spills from soaking or seeping into the ground and keeps them clean long after. Cleaning the floors will be quicker and simpler than ever before. This is also ideal for industrial or commercial kitchens as well. Metallic epoxy flooring is more resilient to the scuffs, spills, and scrapes that come with operating an eatery or restaurant and will help preserve and protect your business.

Commercial Flooring
- Metallic epoxy flooring is also very popular in public and commercial areas. From parking garages, to public sports arenas, this is a common practice. We highly recommend doing so for a myriad of reasons. First, the professional installation of metallic epoxy flooring will make your curb appeal go way up, increasing the general aesthetic of your business as it will be more resistant to skids and scuffs. Further, it increases the longevity of your corporate or professional structures as well and retains their value.There is no space too large or too small to apply metallic epoxy flooring. In populated venues with heavy foot traffic it is a great way to make sure the space is safe, celan, and easy to maintain.
While there are many benefits to installing metallic epoxy flooring in your garage, kitchen, or business, we will focus on a few of the most impactful below!
Protect Your Investment
- Our homes are the most important investment in our lives, and their upkeep is an essential aspect of home ownership. Metallic epoxy can help you to better protect that investment. While there are many places in the home that require frequent care and maintenance, perhaps no palace is more crucial to begin with than the very concrete foundations and flooring which it stands upon. Professional installation of metallic epoxy flooring increases the longevity of your flooring and strengthens it against the wear and tear of everyday life. While metallic epoxy flooring undoubtedly makes life easier for the homeowner, it also provides tremendous value upon resale in the future. Having a clean, glistening, and unscathed garage or workspace may be just the perk that makes a buyer fall in love. Beyond that, having no breaks or cracks in the concrete of the garage, drive way, or kitchen will also prove to maintain your home’s value.

- Aside from the monetary benefits, there are other advantages to installing metallic epoxy flooring!

Increase Curb Appeal
- Metallic epoxy flooring can be just the thing to set your establishment or property apart from the rest. This crisp and reflective coating renders a surface looking pristine and new at all times, and will do so for years to go. Metallic epoxy flooring is skid and scuff resistant and won’t degrade after being walked and driven on with time. Beyond being aesthetically pleasing it also prevents cracks, breaks, and wear in the concrete and flooring of your property. This makes your property safer and easier to traverse. Businesses with worn and faulty flooring or garage flooring appear old and tattered. By keeping your property shiny and clean with reflective metallic epoxy flooring, you show your customers or potential property-buyers a commitment to keeping your property in great condition.
Preserve Peace of Mind
- Applying metallic epoxy flooring to your home, business, or commercial property is a great way to prevent disaster. Damage to the concrete flooring in our homes and garages can be huge issues. They may require tons of time, labor, and money to repair back to normal. Even still, they will likely show permanent signs of the previous damage. This is why it is crucial to not hesitate when it comes to installing metallic epoxy flooring. Do not wait until it is too late, and suffer stress, worry, and inconvenience due to repairs and construction. Insulate, protect, and preserve the flooring and foundations of your property so you can rest easily at night. Always count on professional expertise and install when it comes to metallic epoxy flooring and home care.

Local Experts
- Our professional metallic epoxy flooring installation and services are fully insured. Our expert team of installers are fully licensed and bonded. We have proudly served the community for years, and are happy to provide service for years to come. We are committed to getting the job done right, and getting it done the very first time. We will always uphold the highest standards and use only the top of the line materials for professional metallic epoxy flooring installation and servicing. Contact us today to enlist the aid of a professional with years of experience, and get shimmering metallic epoxy flooring in your garage, kitchen, or utility space right away! Let us worry about the install, and take the hassle out of flooring installation for you.

Cheaper than ever!
- Metallic epoxy flooring has never been more affordable than now, and we are happy to offer you the most competitive prices available. This one-time installation saves you a mountain of stress and cost in the future, and ensures the condition of your flooring. Metallic epoxy flooring is a stronger and more affordable option for floor decor and decorating than many other options. While other tiles or materials may break, ware, or warp, metallic epoxy flooring will not. It is not susceptible to water, to spillage or seepage. It will hold up to the strongest damages or scrapes. Other, more expensive, materials could never do the same. Save yourself money and time, and create a bright and reflective space with metallic epoxy flooring.
Benefits and Risks
There are both benefits and risks associated with metallic epoxy flooring!

The key benefits of metallic epoxy flooring
- As stated, the reflective nature of metallic epoxy flooring creates a well-lit and open space. Beyond being aesthetically pleasing, it is durable and protective for years to come.
- No scuffs, scrapes, or weathering will leave a mark on this powerful and protective surface. The entire flooring is coated and preserved by the metallic epoxy.
- Your property value will increase, and will be maintained for years to come due to installing metallic epoxy flooring.
- Metallic epoxy flooring will make cleaning and maintenance easier and simpler than ever before. No spillage or seepage can threaten or compromise flooring due to the protective metallic epoxy flooring.

The risks associated with installation
- Installation or repairs of any kind, including of metallic epoxy flooring, is never recommended without professional expertise and assistance.
- When you rely on an amateur or fail to consult experts, you risk having epoxy flooring that is not level or smooth. You also risk it not being properly sealed or installed.
- When you contact us, you know you are getting the best deal on the market for metallic epoxy flooring. Do not risk spending too much.
- If you wait too long, you risk damages or weathering which may become irreversible in your flooring. Do not wait until it is too late to install metallic epoxy flooring.

Licensed, Bonded, and Insured
- Your satisfaction and peace of mind come first. Metallic epoxy flooring installation isa great way to maintain your property value, and we are proud to help you do so. Contact our reliable, trained professionals today. We are fully licensed, dbonded , and insured. We are proud to serve the community and we always stand by our work. We use only the best materials for all metallic epoxy flooring applications.